About Us
Our philosophy
We have all been there. You have a clear goal in front of you, but more and more obstacles seems to emerge between you and the goal.
Our philosophy at taxhelpsweden, is that every entrepreneur should focus on its main business, i.e. the things that the entrepreneur is good at.
We, as tax lawyers with background at bigger tax consultancy firms and the Swedish Tax Agency, are experts at helping foreign businesses to comply with the Swedish tax regulations. We highly enjoy to help our clients achieve their best result, by making them pay as less tax as possible, and ensuring that their administrative obligations are dealt with as smoothly as possible.
Therefore, our service is to what we are good at - guiding non-Swedish businesses in Sweden - while the client do what it is good at. It's the ingredients of success.
Do not hestiate to reach out to us.

Our Stories

Construction company
A Slovak company reached out to us, with a request to help them tax optimizing their activities in Sweden. We set up a strategy and necessary documents, ensuring that they avoided a permanent establishment, and that the 183-day-rule was applicable. This lead to zero tax liability in Sweden.
Welding company
We helped a polish company with F-tax registration before their work at a factory in Sweden. Also, we made sure that the company avoided to pay social security fees in Sweden, and that no PE existed in Sweden.

IT-consulting company
Our french client company wanted to employ a Swedish national to work from Sweden. We adviced on a setup enabling the employee to work from Sweden without creating a permanent establishment for the company. We also assisted with registration for F-tax and employer registration.
Self-employed consultant
A German individual reached out to us with a request for help. He had been offered a 6-month contract in Sweden. We adviced him on how to avoid tax residency in Sweden, as well as avoiding a PE. Result was that no taxes were due in Sweden.