Are you an expat living in Sweden? In most cases, the drafting of a Swedish Tax Return is quite complicated for individuals with foreign-sourced income. Also, one has to account for double taxation issues with the expat's home state. We take care of the drafting of your Swedish Tax Return, to a competetive price.
In order to structure your assets and income streams in the most tax efficient way possible, it is important to plan before selling assets, moving across borders, distributing dividends or similar. We offer tax advice to expats living in Sweden, or with other kind of connections to Sweden, in order to make sure you do not pay more tax than necessary.

We are a team of Swedish lawyers, with specialization in tax law. After having worked with international tax law for many years, we know the difficulties that non-Swedish businesses and individuals encounter when coming to Sweden. In a world where legal regulations and requirements are becoming more and more complex, a entrepreneur needs professinal advice in order to avoid unnecessary risks and cost.
Therefore, our ambition and offer, is to guide non-Swedish businesses on conducting business in Sweden, ensuring that all tax obligations are complied with, but also ensuring that no unnecessary taxes are paid. This applies both for a foreign company, but also for its employees. We look forward to hearing from you!